Z君好困 发表于 2023-4-13 19:01:20

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Z君好困 发表于 2023-4-14 13:10:12

# 双线性插值前后对比:


!(data/attachment/forum/202304/14/130802s6yl0x0dxjumjjty.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/300 "Y1P`_M2WBR)9`WF}J2DX9HW.png")


!(data/attachment/forum/202304/14/130815z777aira2smflyom.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/300 "X72H@BSA]_1UE~(2YSXH3UJ.png")

# 线性插值代码:

Eigen::Vector3f getBilinnerColor(float u, float v)
      // 坐标限定
      if (u < 0) u = 0;
      if (u > 1) u = 1;
      if (v < 0) v = 0;
      if (v > 1) v = 1;
      float u_img = u * width;
      float v_img = (1 - v) * height;
      // find center coordinates
      int cx = u_img;
      int cy = v_img;
      cx = (u_img - cx) > 0.5 ? std::ceil(u_img) : std::floor(u_img);
      cy = (v_img - cy) > 0.5 ? std::ceil(v_img) : std::floor(v_img);

      // 注意 image_data 第一个坐标对应 v,参考getColor()
      // 并且uv map和image的 v 是相反方向 !!
      auto u00 = image_data.at<cv::Vec3b>(cy + 0.5, cx - 0.5);
      auto u10 = image_data.at<cv::Vec3b>(cy + 0.5, cx + 0.5);
      auto u01 = image_data.at<cv::Vec3b>(cy - 0.5, cx - 0.5);
      auto u11 = image_data.at<cv::Vec3b>(cy - 0.5, cx + 0.5);

      float s = u * width - (cx - 0.5);
      float t = (1 - v) * height - (cy - 0.5);

      auto u0 = (1 - s) * u00 + s * u10; // at the top
      auto u1 = (1 - s) * u01 + s * u11; // at the bottom

      auto res = (1 - t) * u1 + t * u0;
      return Eigen::Vector3f(res, res, res);

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查看完整版本: GAMES101_03