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RTR4_实时计算机图形学 第4版_1.1 全书概览

What follows is a brief overview of the chapters ahead.


Chapter 2, The Graphics Rendering Pipeline. The heart of real-time rendering is the set of steps that takes a scene description and converts it into something we can see.


Chapter 3, The Graphics Processing Unit. The modern GPU implements the stages of the rendering pipeline using a combination of fifixed-function and programmable units.


Chapter 4, Transforms. Transforms are the basic tools for manipulating the position, orientation, size, and shape of objects and the location and view of the camera.


Chapter 5, Shading Basics. Discussion begins on the defifinition of materials and lights and their use in achieving the desired surface appearance, whether realistic or stylized. Other appearance-related topics are introduced, such as providing higher image quality through the use of antialiasing, transparency, and gamma correction.


Chapter 6, Texturing. One of the most powerful tools for real-time rendering is the ability to rapidly access and display images on surfaces. This process is called texturing, and there are a wide variety of methods for applying it.


Chapter 7, Shadows. Adding shadows to a scene increases both realism and comprehension. The more popular algorithms for computing shadows rapidly are presented.


Chapter 8, Light and Color. Before we perform physically based rendering, we fifirst need to understand how to quantify light and color. And after our physical rendering process is done, we need to transform the resulting quantities into values for the display, accounting for the properties of the screen and viewing environment. Both topics are covered in this chapter.


Chapter 9, Physically Based Shading. We build an understanding of physically based shading models from the ground up. The chapter starts with the underlying physical phenomena, covers models for a variety of rendered materials, and ends with methods for blending materials together and fifiltering them to avoid aliasing and preserve surface appearance.


Chapter 10, Local Illumination. Algorithms for portraying more elaborate light sources are explored. Surface shading takes into account that light is emitted by physical objects, which have characteristic shapes.


Chapter 11, Global Illumination. Algorithms that simulate multiple interactions between the light and the scene further increase the realism of an image. We discuss ambient and directional occlusion and methods for rendering global illumination effects on diffffuse and specular surfaces, as well as some promising unifified approaches.


Chapter 12, Image-Space Effffects. Graphics hardware is adept at performing image processing at rapid speeds. Image fifiltering and reprojection techniques are discussedfifirst, then we survey several popular post-processing effffects: lens flflares, motion blur, and depth of fifield.


Chapter 13, Beyond Polygons. Triangles are not always the fastest or most realistic way to describe objects. Alternate representations based on using images, point clouds, voxels, and other sets of samples each have their advantages.


Chapter 14, Volumetric and Translucency Rendering. The focus here is the theory and practice of volumetric material representations and their interactions with light sources. The simulated phenomena range from large-scale atmospheric effffects down to light scattering within thin hair fifibers.


Chapter 15, Non-Photorealistic Rendering. Attempting to make a scene look realistic is only one way of rendering it. Other styles, such as cartoon shading and watercolor effffects, are surveyed. Line and text generation techniques are also discussed.


Chapter 16, Polygonal Techniques. Geometric data comes from a wide range of sources, and sometimes requires modifification to be rendered rapidly and well. The many facets of polygonal data representation and compression are presented.


Chapter 17, Curves and Curved Surfaces. More complex surface representations offffer advantages such as being able to trade offff between quality and rendering speed, more compact representation, and smooth surface generation.


Chapter 18, Pipeline Optimization. Once an application is running and uses effiffifficient algorithms, it can be made even faster using various optimization techniques. Finding the bottleneck and deciding what to do about it is the theme here. Multiprocessing is also discussed.


Chapter 19, Acceleration Algorithms. After you make it go, make it go fast. Various forms of culling and level of detail rendering are covered.

Chapter 20, Effiffifficient Shading. A large number of lights in a scene can slow performance considerably. Fully shading surface fragments before they are known to be visible is another source of wasted cycles. We explore a wide range of approaches to tackle these and other forms of ineffiffifficiency while shading.


Chapter 21, Virtual and Augmented Reality. These fifields have particular challenges and techniques for effiffifficiently producing realistic images at rapid and consistent rates.


Chapter 22, Intersection Test Methods. Intersection testing is important for rendering, user interaction, and collision detection. In-depth coverage is provided here for a wide range of the most effiffifficient algorithms for common geometric intersection tests.


Chapter 23, Graphics Hardware. The focus here is on components such as color depth, framebuffffers, and basic architecture types. A case study of representative GPUs is provided.


Chapter 24, The Future. Take a guess (we do).Due to space constraints, we have made a chapter about Collision Detection free for download at (, along with appendices on linear algebra and Trigonometry.

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