DUO 发表于 2023-3-29 21:42:11


> 本帖最后由 DUO 于 2023-3-29 21:46 编辑

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One of the biggest problems that video game developers have when they start studying shaders in Unity is that there is little information for beginners on the web. Whether you are an independent developer or focused on AAA projects, it can be a little daunting due to thetechnical nature of the knowledge necessary to develop these types of programs.


Despite this challenge, Unity offers a significant advantage since it is multiplatform. It allows us to write our videogames only once and then export them to different devices, including consoles and smartphones. So, once we start our adventure into the world of shaders, we only need to write our code one time, and the software will take care of compiling it for the different platforms (OpenGL, Metal, Vulkan, Direct3D, GLES 20, GLES 3x).

尽管存在这一挑战,Unity 有一个重要的优势,它是跨平台的。这使得我们只需要编写一次我们的游戏,然后将它们导出到不同的设备上,包括游戏机和智能手机。因此,一旦我们开始进入着色器的世界,我们只需要编写我们的代码一次,软件将负责为不同的平台(OpenGL、Metal、Vulkan、Direct3D、GLES 20、GLES 3x)进行编译。

The Unity Shaders Bible has been created to solve most of our problems when starting in this world. We will begin by reviewing the structure of a shader in the Cg and HLSL languages to get to know its properties, commands, functions, syntax.Did you know that there are three types of Rendering Pipeline in Unity, and each of them has its own qualities? Throughout the book, we will specify each of them, verifying how Unity processes the graphics to project our video games on the computer screen.


# **I. Topics we will see in this book.**

The book is divided into three chapters to linearly address the topics to the extent that we need to; however, it is worth mentioning that this book will be subject to structural changes over time to improve the understanding of its content and achieve a good interaction with the reader. All the code we will see in this book has been tested using the Visual Studio Code editor and checked in Unity for the different types of Render Pipeline.

# **I. 我们将在本书中看到的主题**

本书分为三章,以线性方式探讨主题,以满足我们的需求;然而值得一提的是,这本书将随着时间的推移而进行结构性变化,以改进对其内容的理解,并与读者进行良好的互动。本书中所有的代码都经过了使用 Visual Studio Code 编辑器进行测试,并在 Unity 中检查了不同类型的渲染管线。

## Chapter I: Introduction to the shader programming language.

This chapter looks at the base knowledge that needed before starting, such as the structure of a shader in ShaderLab language, the analogy between the properties and connection variables, SubShader and commands (ColorMask, Stencil, Blending, etc.), Passes and structure of Cg and HLSL, the design of a function, Input vertex analysis, Output vertex analysis, the analogy between a semantic and a primitive, vertex shader stage structure, fragment shader stage structure, matrices and more. This chapter is the starting point to understand fundamental concepts about how a
shader works in Unity.

## 第一章:着色器编程语言介绍


## Chapter II: Lighting, shadows, and surfaces.

Addresses highly relevant issues, such as normal maps and their implementation, reflection maps, lighting and shadow analysis, basic lighting model, surface analysis, mathematical functions, specularity and ambient light. We also review Shader Graph, its structure, functions in HLSL, nodes, properties and more. In this chapter, we will make our video game look professional with simple lighting concepts.

## 第二章:照明,阴影和表面

涉及到一些高度相关的问题,例如法线贴图及其实现、反射贴图、照明和阴影分析、基本照明模型、表面分析、数学函数、高光和环境光。我们还将回顾Shader Graph,其结构、在HLSL中的功能、节点、属性等。在本章中,我们将使用简单的照明概念使我们的视频游戏看起来更专业。

## Chapter III: Compute shader, ray tracing and Sphere tracing.

We will put into practice advanced concepts, such as the structure of a compute shader, buffer variables, kernels, sphere tracing implementation, implicit surfaces, constructive solid geometry, shapes and algorithms, introduction to ray tracing, configurations and high-quality rendering. Our studies will conclude in this chapter. We will investigate GPGPU programming (general-purpose GPU) using shaders of type .compute, reviewing the sphere tracing technique and using Direct Raytracing (DXT) in HDRP.

## 第三章:计算着色器,光线追踪和球体追踪


# **II. Recommendations.**

Working with a code editor with **IntelliSense** in graphics language programming is essential, specifically in Cg or HLSL. Unity has Visual Studio Code which is a more compact version of Visual Studio Community. This editor contains some extensions that add IntelliSense to both C#, ShaderLab, and HLSL.

For those who will use Visual Studio Code editor, we recommend installing the following extensions: **C# for visual studio code** (Microsoft), **Shader language support for VS Code** (Slevesque), **ShaderLab VS Code** (Amlovey), **Unity Code Snippets** (Kleber Silva).

# **II.** 建议

在图形语言编程中使用具有代码智能提示的代码编辑器非常重要,特别是在Cg或HLSL中。Unity具有Visual Studio Code,这是Visual Studio Community的更紧凑版本。该编辑器包含一些扩展,可为C#,ShaderLab和HLSL添加代码智能提示。

对于将使用Visual Studio Code编辑器的人,我们建议安装以下扩展程序: **Visual Studio Code的C#** (Microsoft), **VS Code的着色器语言支持** (Slevesque), **ShaderLab VS Code** (Amlovey), **Unity代码片段** (Kleber Silva)。


# **III. Who this book is for.**

This book has been written for Unity developers looking to improve their graphics knowledge or create professional-looking effects. It is assumed that the reader already knows, understands, and has access to the Unity interface, so we will not go into these details. Having previous knowledge of C# or C++ would be a great asset in understanding the content presented in this book; however, it is not an exclusive requirement.

It is essential to have basic knowledge in arithmetic, algebra and trigonometry to understand more advanced concepts. Anyway, we will still review mathematical operations and functions to explain what we’re developing fully.

# **III. 本书的受众。**



# **IV. Glossary.**

Given their nature, in this book, we will find phrases and words distinguished from the rest, which we can quickly identify because we will highlight them to emphasise an explanation or concept. Likewise, there will be blocks of code in HLSL language to exemplify some functions.

The book will show in **bold** font (e.g. _Color) essential words or lines of code. Some relevant words or technical definitions will be shown in italic (e.g. normal), and constant values will be displayed in UPPER CASE (e.g. RGBA)

In the book, we can find blocks of code that include three points (...), which refer to variables and/or functions included by default within the code.

# **IV.词汇表**

由于它们的性质,在本书中,我们将使用与其他普通文本有所区别的短语和单词,为了快速识别它们,因为我们将强调它们以强调解释或概念。 同样,将使用有HLSL语言的代码块来举例说明一些函数。

本书将以**粗体**字体(例如 _Color)显示关键字或代码行。 一些相关的单词或技术定义将以斜体显示(例如*normal* ),常量值将以大写字母显示(例如RGBA)。


# **V. 勘误**


# VI. 源码和捐赠


小刀拉屁股 发表于 2023-4-3 11:11:50


admin 发表于 2023-4-3 11:24:15

小刀拉屁股 发表于 2023-4-3 11:11


呜辣辣辣 发表于 2023-4-3 11:32:35

太牛了吧 我正好需要

呜辣辣辣 发表于 2023-4-3 11:32:58


tawy 发表于 2023-4-10 09:41:38


ManHua 发表于 2023-4-11 18:46:22


技你太美 发表于 2023-4-13 09:56:15


Dylan 发表于 2023-4-17 15:49:34


Charlotte_Lee 发表于 2023-5-26 13:05:53

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查看完整版本: 《Unity着色器圣经》封面及目录